The Anti News, Tools and Stories for Living a Slower, More Connected Life


I specialize in travel-adventure and outdoor-lifestyle modeling.  

My mom has always said I should try out modeling. I think that's what a lot of loving parents probably think about their kids. I told her I couldn't live in NY or LA, so it was off the table. But lately, I've had some opportunities to model for companies in rad outdoor places, and I'd like to do more of it. I've worked with PatagoniaUrban Outfitters, Sunski, and Sunday Afternoons. Please contact me if you'd like to work with me on Maui or elsewhere in the outdoors -- And don't forget Donnie the Van, he's actually the star of the show.

Travel-Adventure and Outdoor-Lifestyle Modeling

Images from Colorado shot by Keenan Newman for Urban Outfitters. Images from Norway shot by Ben Moon for Patagonia. Images from Maui shot by Raja Iliya for Sunski Sunglasses.


A short film shot on Maui


Please take a look at the other services I offer

Let's Chat  |  (650) 248-7757