
from the journal, 9/18 (Wasilla, AK)

The AAA truck pulled us through The Abbey’s tall grassy gates at 10:04AM. It felt more like a junkyard - 9 or 10 old Vanagons and busses sat around, clear they would never go again. It seemed like the right place to find a good mechanic, or at least a good story.

After a few minutes of the tow truck idling outside in the cold, dimly lit Alaskan fall morning, Mike waddled out of his shop… camo vest, belly showing, black sweats, black Crocs. He was shaking. “You came without a ride?!?” he asked in disbelief. “What do you mean?” I asked. “You have no ride… no one to pick you up if I can’t fix it?” “This van is all I’ve got.” (long silence) “You must have a lotta faith, boy.”

[photo by @k_e_e_n_a_n, edited by @63mph ]