
One more week of driving to the Midwest…

Then I’ll be spending a month doing this before getting back on the Road. Earlier in the journey, I posted a saying… there’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothes. Well, right now, metaphorically, I have bad clothes - the van’s not ready for winter in the Mountain West until I finish a list of projects, most importantly, installing an efficient heat source (thinking wood stove). I was naive, thinking I had lived in cold places before, but what I had actually done was live inside in cold places, running from one heat source to the next. Living in the van, you’re very much living outside in all the seasons and all their changes… the 92-degree midnight summer sun and the current 5-degree, 4PM fall darkness. Being one with the seasons has been one of the great, unexpected gifts of this year. One more to go! I’m still planning to give the 4th season in the mountains in the van a go. Will report back on that. [photo @k_e_e_n_a_n, edited @63mph]